Hi Aldea Maya supporters,
We started off our latest adventure in Guatemala with some very sad news. Our lovely garden guy, Pedro, died from stage 4 liver cancer. He was respected and loved by all that knew him and the village was in a state of morning.
His family was completely devastated, not only at his loss but at the dire financial situation the family was hurled into. Pedro was in his early 40’s and had 6 children, the youngest being two years old. The oldest 2 sons, Diego and Pedro, are 18 and 15 years old, and felt the incredible burden of supporting this large family.
As Diego is eighteen years old, he can go to high school on the weekends. If Diego goes to school on the weekend, he can work for us during the week. It will be twice as expensive for Diego to study as he will have to travel to Panajachel to go to school. If anyone would like to help with this cost …please let us know.
Our next hurdle was that Diego really knows nothing about gardens. He did however start cleaning and weeding the school gardens and worked very hard. We approached Neal at IMAP and asked if IMAP could possibly help us in his training. Neal, a graduate student from Ireland, is going to mentor Diego for the next 6 months, one day a week for free. This is fantastic news…but it gets even better. An American group taking the IMAP permaculture program is going to pay for 2 young adults in the village to take the week long course, one will be Diego. IMAP is also wanting to help us expand our chicken and duck program. This will enable Aldea Maya not only to maintain our present nutrition program but to develop it further.
Lisandro received a lime tree 4 years ago. His mom wanted to let us know that this lime tree has produced 800 limes this year, which she has sold. We bought the tree for $2 and her profits so far this year are $80.
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We visited the Rigoberto’s home to see his vegetable garden. This garden is an IMAP partnership garden and has produced an amazing amount of food. For example: cilantro, basil, oregano, mint, cabbage, beans, tomatoes, chaya, lettuce, amaranthus, radish, Swiss chard, bananas, limes, broccoli, carrots, beets.
Concepcion has almost finished her 6 month sewing program. She is absolutely loving it. She proudly wanted to show the apron she had made. Her son’s sponsor made her a lovely sewing bag full of scissors etc. Concepcion has received a sewing machine and table which she will pay for with a no interest microloan.
We also met with the women’s group and gave out the flannel sanitary pads and undies. They were so excited about receiving them. We would like to thank all the people who donated the fabric, snaps, sewing time and underwear. If the group finds them useful Concepcion will start being hired to make them.
The grade 6 students graduated and were thankful for Aldea Maya paying for the majority of the graduation costs.
We were also there for the second year to graduate from the Chuk Muk Basico. Aldea Maya started this middle school 4 years ago and we are humbled by the difference it has made in peoples’ lives. Here is Thelma, one of our sponsor students, proudly displaying her diploma.
Thank you for sponsoring a student for the 2015 school year. Your support is really giving families hope.