It has been a few months since the last newsletter and tons of great things have been happening. There is a plant called Chaya that we started growing in the school garden 5 or more years ago. We have about 60 large plants.
We now have enough plants to be able to incorporate this super food into the elementary school feeding program. This one ,easy to grow plant could help to irradiate malnutrition. So you can imagine how excited we are that the 500 plus students in the school are getting use to eating this vegetable AND their moms are now asking us about the plant. It takes a while to change eating habits but this is one huge step.
We are also expanding our school garden program and the preschool and kinder now have their own garden. The students just love looking after the plants and then getting to eat them.
The students have also been learning about seed collection. This is really important as families cannot afford to purchase seeds. Several classes now have seeds to plant at home.
The Basico ( middle school) is continuing to flourish. Here are 2 students in the aprons they made for their moms.
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The students are enjoying our new office as we have 3 computers set up for internet access and 2 computers set up for learning English. This free service means that more students can stay in school as they do not have to spend money going into town to pay for internet and photocopying. We have over 20 students a day using the service. We are also lending computers to high school students enabling them to complete projects. If anyone has an old laptop or tablet we could totally use it.
Many things can get in the way of a student’s education. Here is Ana receiving a pair of inexpensive drug store eye glasses. She can now read with easy. Thank you Sandy for the donation. We are always looking for more glasses.
This year we will have our first graduates. These are 6 students that would not have gone past grade 6 if Aldea Maya had not started a middle school in 2012. We want to thank ALL those that made this possible.
These boys are graduating high school and on Monday June 20th are going to Guatemala City to write exams for free University. They are very excited and nervous. There are no girls in the group as the girls studied Business Admin or Education which is a 3 year program. These boys studied the 2 year science program.
Here is Tomas’ family receiving an onil water filter. This filter will give this family of 8 clean water for a year for $60. The yearly replacement filter costs only $25. If anyone would like to give a family a filter please let me know.
We have applied for a grant from Rotary International with the help of the Lantxville Rotary. This grant would allow us to start an income generating sewing program in the village of Chuk Muk. We are excitedly waiting to here if we have been successful. Please keep all your fingers and toes crossed!!!