Hi Aldea Maya supporters,
August has been an interesting month in Chuk Muk, Guatemala. The students in middle school have been working hard in their Home Economics classes. The teacher, Sandra, just sent me some great photos that I want to share with you of completed sewing projects.
Here are some of the grade 7 students with their embroidery sampler.
Here are some of the grade 8 students with their embroidered napkin.
Here are the grade 9 students with their embroidered apron.
Aldea Maya supplied all the fabric and embroidery thread for these projects. Many families make money through their embroidery skills. If anyone wants to donate embroidery thread we can always use more.
The students also have cooking and nutrition classes. The students do not have stoves at home and really, really enjoy the opportunity to cook and eat different foods.
Many of the food items used come from the school garden.
Unfortunately we had a disaster in the Home Economics room. One of the gas canisters exploded due to a faulty valve. Luckily nobody was hurt and the fire fighters could quickly put out the blaze.
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We lost one of our 3 stoves, a gas canister and one of our cupboards.
The explosion also blew out numerous windows which we have now replaced.
We are excited to be adding to the school music program. We would like to thank Long & McQuade in Victoria for donating a second hand keyboard.
The students are using the free photocopier and internet that Aldea Maya has available to all middle and high school students. It costs $1.50 an hour to visit an internet store ( plus the transportation costs to the local town). Many families cannot afford these costs and students end up quitting school. We would like to thank Richard and Gloria Morris for donating a second hand computer. We are always needing more laptops.
Here is a picture of the women’s cooperative meeting. The members are excited about the new beading skills they are learning and are very hopeful that they will get more orders.
Our latest family gardens are doing really well and the families cannot wait to harvest the vegetables.
The school year ends in October and the elementary students are getting ready for graduation. Graduation from grade 6 is huge in Guatemala. For most students it is the highest grade they will complete. It is a tradition to have a new outfit for the ceremony. Luckily the new outfit is now the school uniform for Basico. The families have to pay to rent tables, for decorations and the food. This cost is way too high for most families. Fortunately due to a generous donation from Stan at Maximil we are helping all students in grade 6 pay for their graduation.
We are slowly improving the quality of life in the village and would like to thank all the people who buy the beadwork, give donations and sponsor a student. Your generosity makes our projects possible.
Warmest regards