Today Senor Gris finished the volleyball boxes. It is the Calders last day today and we will miss them. Senor Gris really enjoyed has time working with Pedro , our garden guy, and gave him his leatherman as a gift. Wow was Pedro happy. He could never afford an item like this.
We also continued to work on the school composters. Every grade is going to have their own cement composter. There is a huge problem with garbage in Chuk Muk and teaching them about composting will hopefully help them start to see the difference between organic and inorganic.
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Every student in Basico has to volunteer 10 hours helping the elementary students with children who are struggling to read, write or with mathematics. The teachers have no help in the classroom and just love this program. We started organizing the grade 9 , Basico 3, students with their time and day for volunteering. We do the Basico 3’s first as they are the most mature students.
In the evening we went out for Friday night pizza at Pablo’s and said our good-byes.