The students take 15 classes at the Chukumuk Basico. It is a very in depth, well rounded education. This week the first year Basico students are cooking in the elective classroom.

Home Economics is a very important class as the students learn about nutrition and cook a variety of items. The majority of these students come from families that are dirt poor, many only eat a diet of corn tortillas with salt. Stunting of growth is a common occurrence. Therefore eating a variety of nutritional foods helps increase their nutritional status but more importantly it is teaching the students about a variety of foods that are not expensive to prepare. Hopefully we will increase the students food awareness.

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The students prepared banana smoothies, Russian Salad and a fruit cocktail.
As Aldea Maya is paying for everything in the school, and it is a new school, we are slowly adding the necessary equipment. We presently have 3 stoves, 3 cabinets for supplies and 2 tables. Any donation towards purchasing more items would be greatly appreciated. We hope in the future to be having nutrition and cooking classes for the moms in the community.