Aldea Maya supplies school supplies and part of the school fees to every student in the Chuk Muk Basico that is not fully sponsored.
It costs $60 to buy the school supplies.
Each student receives a new back pack as well as paper, pens, calculator, math set, scissors, Spanish dictionary, English/Spanish dictionary, reading book, ruler, pencils, erasure, 12 notebooks, paints, glue sticks, high lighter pens, colour pencil set, pencil sharpener, book cover, project files, stapler
Since its inception Aldea Maya has helped hundreds of students to go to middle school.
The students in 3rd year Basico help us distribute the supplies. Every student gives 4 beaded items as a part payment and thank you for receiving supplies.
Visit our Paypal account and enable a student to continue school past grade 6.
If a student works hard and has the right attitude Aldea Maya finds them full sponsorship.
Every student that attends Basico (middle school) has to pay a conscription fee and a monthly fee. This money is sent to the Guatemalan Government and pays for the school Secretary, Director, 15 teachers salaries and legal documents. Through our Christmas card sales we are able to help non sponsored students to attend middle school.