One of our goals for the future is to help families become more sustainable. There are many ways to approach this and several areas you can focus on. A family we are presently helping is the Chiviliu family. We first met this family several years ago when the health centre asked us if we could help the family as 2 of the 7 children where failing to thrive. Since then we have given the family nutrition and cooking classes, a water filter

and fixed their wood burning stove.

We have also sponsored 4 of their children. This reduced the strain on the family and gave them more money to purchase food.

During COVID they have also received food baskets to supplement their food.

When we visited the family home in March we noticed that they were doing much better and now had a few chickens and ducks.

They had started a wee vegetable garden but it definitely needed some help. We needed the family to actively participate in the garden as otherwise it would not be a success. The father and the older children cleared the area.

We then worked with the family to construct raised beds.

The older children have been helping to make bokashi ( wonderful organic soil) which we then placed in the garden beds.

All the children enjoyed planting seeds. As the garden progresses we will be giving the family more cooking classes.