We are very excited to expand our nutrition program to feeding the vulnerable elderly in the village of Chuk Muk. Once a week, an ever expanding group of Mayan elders gets together for a delicious, home cooked meal at the Aldea Maya learning centre.

Our feeding program is not only giving them a wonderful nutritious meal every week, but it is getting the community elderly together for a feeling of being important and belonging.

We also deliver the meals if they are too ill to get to our learning centre.

This is a new program with 9 elderly, and we are including new geriatric members, as we learn of them.

We are wanting the elderly to be an active member in the group. We are, therefore, asking them what they would like to eat. We then take their suggestion and make it more nutritious by adding extra vegetables and fruits.….like chaya in the tortillas.

The meals are cooked by our our 2 dietitian trained facilitators. We are also starting to include fun activities like dominos.