What does it mean being a “green school”. Is the reorientation of education towards sustainable development; It proposes that schools be helped to design work plans related to the environment that are well integrated into their curricula or school program.
That is why all our projects will be integrated in the teacher’s annual program and be considered as part of their curricula. Once they finish each project, it will be part of their grades in a course called “natural sciences” and also another course called “development and entrepreneurship”.
In the first phase of the plan, we are teaching the students and teachers how to classify and separate the garbage into organic and inorganic. We also teach them the way we transform the organic garbage into a good soil and why good soil is so important to make healthy plants..We break the organic garbage into 2 parts.
One part goes into the worms bins and the other part we use for the making bocashi ( hot compost) This should help the school reduce garbage going to the land fill.
The next step is to learn the life cycle of plants and the importance of each part of the plant. The students then tour the different area in the school garden and learn what plants they will be starting from seed and how to nuture them.
There are over 200 students actively participating in this program.