Today is Chicken Day!!!!!!

We met at the Mayan Families Headquarters and loaded up a pickup. We had 90 chickens, 4 large bags of feed, 2 whole beds, 2 mattresses, table and chairs as well as food for the Chukumuk preschool.We were pretty loaded down as we also had 6 people in the truck. It took several hours to reach our destination on the terrible roads.



At the school we met up with the 2 grade 5 classes. Most of the students had brought the 2 keychain payment for the chickens. The few who did not, still received their chickens but will be giving me an afternoon of work.

One whole class forgot to bring boxes to put the chickens in…so there was a scramble while they looked for boxes. This same class forgot their bags for feed as well…..nothing goes as planned in developing countries.

A lot of moms came to help collect the chickens and the whole process went off pretty smoothly.

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After the chickens we delivered 2 beds to 2 families in Panabaj.

Little Antonio had been sleeping on a piece of wood no longer than 2 feet which was precariously sitting on 2 cement blocks. Antonio is one of our new sponsor students and when I saw his bed last October I burst into tears. I must say we both were pretty pleased he received a new bed.

2 of his sisters also received pictures from their sponsors.

Next we delivered a bed to Teresa. She is in Basico and her family only had one bed. Sixteen year old Teresa, 12 year old Lisandro and their parents all squeezed into one bed. This family was VERY pleased to receive a bed.

We also delivered 2 mattresses to Bill and Marina’s sponsor students. They were both excited!!!