Today was a day for fixing up loose ends. We went to the bank and got our cheque book. Now we are able to pay the teachers in Basico.
Next we went to Micaela’sshoe store and bought the last few shoes we needed for grade 1. Later in the day Micaela arrived at the school with a beautiful weaving. It was a thank you present for buying sooooo many shoes at her store.
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We were then met by one of the grade 6 teachers. He was concerned that their would be no project for his class. I assured him that there was definitely a project and we would be in his class next Monday and that all his students would need a plastic bag.
We then headed out of the village accompanied by 2 grade 3 students. When asked about their papaya plant they said they did not have one. OH GREAT once again they have told me there is only 2 classes and there is 3!!!!!!
Back in Panajachel bumped into our buddy Connie. She works with Mayan Families in the village of El Barranco. She purchased our sanitary pads last year for one of her sponsor students. The girl loved them so now she wants more for her other families. We have run out of flannel therefore we decided to head to the second hand stores here to see if we could find any. Half way to the store the skies opened up…this is the first rain I have seen this trip…what a difference to last year.
Anyway there was NO WAY we could continue on our journey….luckily there was a cute pub right there and we stopped for a glass of wine. After our beverage we decided to head back to my place. We were running for cover on the way home and bumped into one of Connie’s sponsor children and her mom. Connie is trying to learn Spanish but is a ways a way from being able to have a conversation. We decided to stop for dinner and invited the mom and child.We had a great time and this was the first time either of our guests had ever eaten in a restaurant. As usual they only ate half their meal and bagged the rest to take home to their family.